PhD Student Symposium Guidelines
Goal and Scope
The goal of the FIE 2022 Doctoral symposium (DS) is to create a forum for PhD students working on conceptual foundations, learning and teaching techniques, research methods and tools in the area of engineering and computing education research. It will provide participants with an opportunity to present and discuss their research with senior researchers in a constructive and friendly atmosphere. Experts in Computing and Engineering Education Research will provide students with feedback on their research, allowing students to ask questions about how they can overcome obstacles or enhance their current research proposals. We welcome submissions related to educational issues and innovations in computing and engineering at the graduate, undergraduate and pre-college levels. The theme for 2022 is: Topical Issues in Computing and Engineering Education.
In addition to the traditional FIE topics, we are open to submissions on the following themes: diversity/equity/inclusion in engineering/computing, encouraging and teaching innovation, innovation in software engineering education, upward mobility, and EPICS/service-learning.
The symposium is designed primarily for students who are currently enrolled in the early to mid-stages of doctoral studies with a focus on computing or engineering education research. Students who are considering doctoral studies and who have identified a field of research may apply as well.
Content and Approach
The symposium will be run in an interactive style, with opportunities for students to present and discuss their work, both with peers and with discussants (as experienced academics) who will also provide constructive critique.
All participants should be fully committed to one another’s success and be prepared to give honest and helpful feedback to their peers during the symposium sessions. So, the more thought that participants have put into their preparation, the more scope there is for feedback to be given. It is intended that participants will leave with a clearer set of ideas, a more fully developed research design or plan and constructive responses to any burning questions relating to their theses. Candidates will be encouraged to consider a publishing plan to accompany their thesis studies.
Research proposals submitted to the doctoral symposium should be a maximum of 2 pages, including references and figures, and should be formatted using the same IEEE submission template stipulated for conference papers. Each submission must include title, researcher’s name (as single author) and affiliation, supervisor(s) name(s) included in acknowledgements,
abstract, list of keywords and a complete list of references. Research proposals will be subjected to a single-blind review. Submissions should at least discuss the following elements: the background of the research, the motivation for the research, the research question(s) addressed in the study and a description of the proposed research method. The proposal should be presented in a structured abstract format as follows: Context; Object; Method; Results; and Conclusion. Students in the later stages of their research are encouraged to include an overview of their completed research activities.
Submissions should be emailed to the DS chairs tony.clear@aut.ac.nz and aclear@eit.ac.nz
Authors of accepted DS submissions are required to register for the FIE conference at the early bird rate, and for the Doctoral Symposium.
Presentation and publication of research proposal
On the day that the symposium meets, each student will display and present a paper copy of a research poster, which is expected to follow the standard poster size format (A1) in portrait or landscape orientation. Each presentation during the doctoral symposium should take approximately 10 minutes. There will be a further 5 – 10 minutes dedicated to discussions, questions and feedback from assigned peers and the DC members.
There will be a session during the main FIE conference where the applicants will present their posters and discuss their research.
Accepted research proposals will be included in the proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, which will be published by IEEE.
Deadline for applications:
The dead-line for applications is 29 June 2022. Notification of acceptance will be sent by email by 8 July 2022.
Assoc Prof Tony Clear, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand tony.clear@aut.ac.nz
Assoc Prof Alison Clear, Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand aclear@eit.ac.nz
Venue and Pricing
The Doctoral symposium will be held at the FIE2022 Conference venue on Saturday October 8th as a pre-conference event. Participation is 300SEK for students registering for the FIE2022 Doctoral Symposium. Students, may register through the conference site registration page. Lunch and coffee are included.
Academic Conferences
Phone + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
E-mail: fie2022@akademikonferens.se
(for practical questions about your registration)
E-mail: abstracts.fie2022@appinconf.com
(for questions about abstract submission)
Important dates
February 14, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline
March 7, 2022
All Acceptance Communications
April 25, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Preliminary Paper, Special Session and Panel Summary Papers, and Workshop Outlines, Submission Deadline
June 10, 2022
Notification of Paper Revision Requirements and Final SSPCW Acceptance Communication
July 5, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Revised Paper Submission (major revisions)
July 18, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Peer Review Final Acceptance Communication
August 1, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Final Camera-Ready Paper Submission & Copyright Deadline
October 8-11, 2022