Final Manuscript Submission Instructions
If your paper was Accepted with Revisions, please go to this page for instructions.
Please follow the steps below to submit your final manuscript by August 1, 2022, for publication in the FIE 2022 proceedings.
1. Register Online
At least one author MUST register at the full rate for your paper to be included in the proceedings, however, since registration is not expected to open until August you can go ahead and upload the final version by moving to step 2. Student fees do not ensure publication of a paper – no exceptions. Please visit Registration page for more information.
*PUBLICATION POLICY: FIE expects paper authors or a designated alternate to register and present their paper at the conference. Papers not presented at the conference will normally be removed from the conference record including all online proceedings databases.
2. Carefully consider and address Peer Reviewer and Technical Program Chair (TPC) suggestions.
If your paper required revisions, please go to the page of Revise and Resubmit for instructions.
3. Prepare the final version of the manuscript using the paper templates linked below.
Get the Paper Templates from the IEEE website
Please remove all template instruction text from your conference paper prior to submission to the conference. Failure to remove template text from your paper may result in your paper not being published.
- The final version of a Full Paper CANNOT EXCEED 8 PAGES, with 1 additional page of references, NO EXCEPTIONS.
- The final version of a WIP (Work in Progress) paper CANNOT EXCEED 4 pages, with 1 additional page of references. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please do not include ‘WIP’ or ‘Work in Progress’ in the title of your final manuscript. It is no longer a requirement for FIE.
The first sentence of your abstract should carefully indicate what type of paper you are contributing to FIE (Full Paper, Work in Progress, Special Session or Panel). In addition, if you are submitting a Full Paper or Work in Progress paper, you should also indicate the category (Innovate Practice, Research-to- Practice or Research) in the first sentence of your abstract. For example: “This Research to Practice Full Paper presents…..”
4. Make the final camera-ready manuscript, include all final author names and affiliations.
Now that your paper has been accepted, be sure to review your final document and include all the correct author names, citations, references, and affiliations. The following checklist may be useful.
- Search through the document and remove third person references to your own work e.g. include phrases like “as we have shown before” and replace citations (and affiliated references) such as [Anonymous, 2007]” .
- Make sure figures include necessary affiliation related identifiers
- Update all citations such as ‘[Anonymous, 2007]’ with the correct information.
- Update all references: ‘[Anonymous 2007] Details omitted for double-blind reviewing.’ with the correct information.
- Include relevant references to funding sources
- Include acknowledgments
5. An electronic version of the manuscript must be generated for the conference proceedings.
Before generating the electronic version of the manuscript, authors should ensure that the manuscript is formatted as specified in the paper template. The final paper should not contain headers, footers or page numbers. Regardless of its initial format, the file containing the final version of the paper must be transformed in the PDF format using the IEEE PDF express web tool. PDF files generated by means of other tools are not acceptable.
To generate the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your final manuscript, follow the steps used when generating the pdf of your previous review manuscript:
To generate the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your paper, follow these steps:
- Create your IEEE PDF eXpress account by going to: and using Conference ID: 56618X
The first time you access the system, please follow the link for New Users.
Please note that, in order to access the service, you need to allow the use of cookies from the PDF eXpress website. - Upload the source file (containing your review manuscript) for conversion, once you are registered as a user.
- Receive by e-mail the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of your paper after you have uploaded your source file. This IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file is ready for upload to the abstract system.
6. Upload the electronic version of the final camera-ready manuscript and submit the copyright form by July 25, 2022
- Log in to the abstract system:
- Please make sure that the authors and the abstract text match the information in the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file. If not, click the “Edit” button for the abstract and update it corresponding to the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file.
- Click the button “Upload a new version” in the list of abstracts. Then click the button “Go to Copyright Form Submission” and follow the instructions. Please complete the copyright form within 10 minutes from start to avoid the session being invalidated. Don’t forget to click the Done button at the end of the copyright form, which will redirect you back to the abstract system.
- When the copyright form is completed and you clicked the done button, you are redirected back to the abstract system; Select your camera-ready version and click “Upload”.
- If the system accepts your final manuscript, you’re done. If not, please make it IEEE Xplore compatible and try again, see step 4 above.
If authors would like to post their papers electronically on any website, any FTP site, or any other electronic dissemination technique, they must include the IEEE Copyright notice on the initial screen displaying the IEEE-copyrighted material.
Questions? Contact the FIE 2022 Publications Administrator:
Academic Conferences
Phone + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
(for practical questions about your registration)
(for questions about abstract submission)
Important dates
February 14, 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline
March 7, 2022
All Acceptance Communications
April 25, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Preliminary Paper, Special Session and Panel Summary Papers, and Workshop Outlines, Submission Deadline
June 10, 2022
Notification of Paper Revision Requirements and Final SSPCW Acceptance Communication
July 5, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Revised Paper Submission (major revisions)
July 18, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Peer Review Final Acceptance Communication
August 1, 2022 (Extended deadline)
Final Camera-Ready Paper Submission & Copyright Deadline
October 8-11, 2022